What is a Smart Meter?


From AMP 7 Anglian Water will have 3 kinds of meters installed:​

1. VR – Visual Read - what we currently refer to as ‘Dumb’ or ‘mechanical’ meters​
2. AMR – (Automatic Meter Reading) Driveby or walkby meters from Elster / Honeywell we have used since 2010 for internal fits​
3. AMI – (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) Genuine Smart Meters that transmit their data hourly via a fixed network (Masts) back to AW data systems


What is the difference between a smart and an upgraded meter?​

An upgraded meter is an AMI capable meter that is in an area yet to receive network coverage. When the network switches on the meter becomes smart.



What's the Plan?​


Our plan is to rollout smart meters geographically using our existing DMAs (District Metering Areas) as the way of grouping targeted properties. ​


DMAs are grouped into larger areas known as Planning Zones (PZ). We worked with our Water Resources team in creating a list of PZs , with the most urgent ones being top. ​


We used the following criteria to rank the PZs  ​

·        Current levels of demand  ​

·        Current levels of leakage  ​

·        Future growth levels  ​

·        Current and future water abstraction demands  ​

These criteria created a prioritised list which we will work through. ​


The first areas are: ​

Boston, Lincoln, Wellingborough, Colchester and Norwich. 



What is the installation process for fitting an upgraded meter?




What is the data journey?


Hourly data is transmitted from the meter via a fixed network (Radio Masts) to Anglian Water Data Hub. From here Domestic daily data will be access via the customer portal. We are currently developing the solutions to enable Retailers to gain access to hourly data for their customers (GDPR permitting). Further details can be found in the Retailer data exchange overview document. Please also check out the latest programme updates below as we will continue to share more information as soon as it is available.




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